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Blog Post

Work Order Software Update

Hello Millington,

The Board would like to give you an update and announcement on acquiring software to manage our community work orders. We have decided on a system to use that we find will be a benefit not only to the community but homeowners as well. With this system as we add in each homeowner that would have a work order request. You will get an email that it has been entered, when it is scheduled, and when it is completed. With that being said we would like to make sure we have updated email and contact number for each unit. If you have an update please use the Contact Office Form . Another added bonus is that we will also use this system to track and violation of the rules and regulations. If you have any questions on the system please reach out to the Board email. For those who may be curious about how many outstanding work orders we have the number is below 50 due to the weather holding out on us an allowing is to complete them.

The Board

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